Nik Software Color Efex Pro 3 for sale

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Nik Software Color Efex Pro 3 for sale

For Pro Nik Color Efex sale 3 Software

Recreate the look and feel of old photos while mimicking the effect of vintage cameras and lenses. Dfine can remove noise while leaving your photos looking completely crisp and natural. Dfine is a wavelet noise reduction algorithm-based tool. The Selective Tool has been totally redesigned and lets you recall your favorite Nik Software Color Efex Pro 3 for sale presets or even your last edit, all with one click of your mouse, saving you valuable time and effort. With its ultra-fine adjustments for brightness, soft contrast, white levels, as well as an advanced Grain Buy Delcam FeatureCAM 2014 mac, Silver Efex Pro accurately recreates the classic look of the most iconic black and white film types of years gone by. The brilliant Nik Selective Tool is your quick and easy route to accessing the complete suite of Nik Collection 3, right from inside Adobe Photoshop. Perspective Efex automatically corrects geometric distortions in your photos. Discover the world of ultimate color control with Viveza. Message center NEW. With 55 filters and 20 image recipes, Color Efex Pro will bring atmosphere and creativity to all your images, helping you make the most of your photography. The brilliant new Nik Selective Tool brings Nik Collection 3 plugins right into the heart of your favorite image-editing software and will save your loads of time and clicks. The most powerful suite of 8 plugins boasting over high-quality creative effects as well as powerful image-editing tools, all available with a single click while giving you non-destructive editing for complete control. Discover more. Quickly and easily apply selective blur, bokeh, light leaks, lens vignetting — and even scratches — to your images. Buy Now. This brilliant tool even lets you simulate wide-aperture settings for superb and convincing bokeh effects. Let your creativity flow — in black and white or color!