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Professional 17 OmniPage OEM
There is little point in scanning a document, converting it to machine-editable text only to spend more time fixing errors created in the recognition process. Early attempts at OCR resulted in numerous errors in translation which in Where to buy Autodesk Maya 2015 cases, absolutely hilarious but all completely useless as an accurate electronic record. What one OmniPagge to keep in mind is that Optical Character Recognition is OOmniPage an art OEM OmniPage Professional 17 an exact science. I tested a shipping version Profsssional tandem OEM OmniPage Professional 17 a Canon CanoScan LiDE scanner and used it successfully to convert a variety of documents--ranging from simple, one-column formats to complex, magazine-style pages--into editable text and PDF files. What is OCR? When I went back one step and manually marked a text box around where the missed text was and the page was re-recognised without issues. It will always require some massaging and some human intervention to ensure that what is electronically recognised matches what it really should be. There is built-in automatic redaction and highlight with automated mark up based on a list of key words. The bouncing ball is clear and concise, the only options I changed was the languages for Speech Mode. It would not have been good if say, I received an OCR copy that is not an accurate copy. Plenty of rocket science goes on behind the scenes to simplify the process but there is no magic bullet. Using a different image that was in a larger font size taken in almost optimal light conditions made a huge difference to the OCR engine.