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April 20th, at Buy Photoshop Elements 8 with bitcoin I Purchase Photoshop Elements 9 the instructions above entirely to download Photoshop elements 9. Special: Legally download dozens of free Adobe books for a limited time! How can I get my old elements 9 running again? October 9th, at Purchase Photoshop Elements 9 Sorry, something went wrong. You could ask them to reset the Purchase Photoshop Elements 9 activations for your serial number, and see if that helps. Also, if this version came with a scanner or printer, it could be a trial version which doesn't need a key, but trials will need a key if you decide to keep and buy. Like Reply. It's an older version, so it's unlikely that it was sold to you recently whether online or from a store. How can I download disk menu templates for the version of Premiere Elements that I purchased? What can I do??? If it still says to find it on the product, and if the product doesn't have it, then take the product back to the store to swap it out for another disc, especially one that has a key. Steve Lehman, mcse. So please follow these instructions carefully or the links will not work! Problem is that my new computer does not have a CD drive.